Exchange Of Experts

Exchange of Experts

+40 722 780 790

Start of a new cycle of Exchange of Experts Programme

The EoE Programme Team is happy to announce the start of a new cycle of exchanges for 2024/2025, under the Consortium represented by CN APELL-RO Foundation as leader and the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations as partner.

Currently the EoE Guidelines are being updated and the EoE platform is being redesigned, so that to allow the implementation and organisation of exchanges of experts in accordance with the EoE requirements for the new cycle.

The new configuration will be available latest March 2024. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuity of the Programme, the interested experts and host can submit applications on the current platform.

We kindly ask the experts/host that have applied until mid-December 2023 for exchanges to run in 2024 to resubmit their applications so they are registered under the new cycle.

We remind that the Programme Team needs an adequate period of time to make the logistical arrangements of exchanges (minimum 2 months) starting from the date of receiving the Commission’s approval for the exchange.

Applications as expert or host can be submitted at
For additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the EoE Programme team at

Face-to-face Exchanges - Restart of activities

As the Training and Exercises Programme activities are resuming at EU level, the EoE Programme Team is glad to announce the restart of face-to-face exchanges. Therefore, based on the assessment of the COVID-19 situation in both hosting and sending countries, physical exchanges will be allowed while taking into consideration all safety measures related to the pandemic regulations (EU certificate, testing and entering into country procedures, preventive measures, etc.).

While restarting face-to-face activities, please be informed that online exchanges will still remain available through the ZOOM client embedded in our web platform.

Considering all of the above, and for an accurate review of exchange proposals, experts/host organizations will mention the type of the exchange (online/physical/physical follow-up of an online exchange) upon registration in Part B of the application.
Applications can be registered at

For additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact the EoE Programme team at

* Note: Eventual costs generated by quarantine measures due to infection with COVID-19 during face-to-face activities will not be considered eligible for reimbursement under the Exchange of Experts Programme

Access the following links to register for an exchange on our platform:

Online Exchanges - Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum duration of the exchange: 1-1.5 days, with an average duration of 2-3 days
  • Daily meeting duration: Average of 6 hours/day
  • Participants' presence in the online exchange is mandatory. The system will generate a participation certificate, and a presence of less than 50% of the overall time will not be considered as effective participation in the exchange.
  • The topics of the online exchanges should meet the objectives of the Exchange of Experts programme, which can be found on the programme's website.
  • The participating experts are required to submit a joint report within 30 days of the online exchange. The report should describe the objectives of the exchange, the activities carried out, the results achieved and the added value of the exchange (according to the template available on the EoE Webpage). Individual field reports, submitted by the experts who are taking part in the exchange, can also be made through the website platform after the exchange takes place.
  • The online exchanges will be held through ZOOM. Each participating expert is required to have an active ZOOM account and access to the ZOOM platform. A personal account can be created when first attending a zoom meeting by accessing the signing-up option from within the application, but we recommend that experts should register to the ZOOM platform by creating a personal account prior to attending an exchange.

* All Exchange of Experts online exchanges will be recorded. The recording can be accessed for up to 30 days afterwards only by the online exchange participants, for use in writing the online exchange report. By agreeing to attend the online exchange, the experts agree to the recording of sessions.

Access the following links to register for an online exchange on our platform:

Access the following links to register for an exchange on our platform:

Exchange of Experts - Online

The Programme Team is happy to inform you that even if the COVID-19 pandemic situation is still not favouring the restart as usual of the exchanges of expertise activities, by physical meetings, the Exchange of Experts programme offers the possibility that in an online environment set-up and managed by the Programme Team, experts can meet, share good practices and experience and gain valuable knowledge, by sharing documents, presentations or photo - video materials, but also can plan for a future exchange (physical meeting to run as a linked but independent exchange), with the purpose of putting in practice/implementing the outcomes of the online exchange, the theoretical knowledge and operational skills gained, event that will take place when the situation becomes favourable for travelling abroad. The application procedure remains the same, by to access the programme through the below link, and fill in the Expert/Host application form:
If you need further clarifications please feel free to contact the Programme Team by email, using the contact form from the website home page or by phone.

Please follow this link to see/download the Exchange of Experts Programme brochure, presenting some statistics for the 2018-2020 implementing period.

We are pleased to inform you that as of 15th of July the Exchange of Experts Programme resumed its activity.

While the Covid-19 pandemic is still presenting a threat to the unfolding of the Programme, we would like to use this opportunity to reconnect with the experts whose exchanges have been cancelled or postponed due to the pandemic, as well as touching bases with new interested experts and host organisations for future exchanges, when the circumstances will allow it.

The registering section on our website will be reopened and the experts will have the possibility to enrol in the Programme with the single purpose of future planning. However, we encourage them to first contact us via the Contact form on Home page or by email, to discuss their proposals or provide them with more info about the Programme.

We're looking forward to cooperating with you in facilitating future exchanges.

Please follow the link below for a series of case studies: Preparedness through sharing skills and expertise from past Exchanges of Experts in Civil Protection

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Exchange of Experts programme is temporarily suspending the online application process.

However, we encourage you to contact us via the Contact form on our home page or by email to discuss your proposal for an exchange and further plan the activity upon reopening of the programme activities.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we are confident that we all should focus our efforts on adopting the proper measures for combating and limiting the effects of COVID-19 virus.

Thank you for understanding and we are looking forward to getting in contact with you!

Exchange of Experts Programme Brochure is now available in Download area, now in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Romanian. German and Russian versions are to be uploaded soon.

We are happy to announce that the Exchange of Experts Programme was officially re-launched during the Civil protection Committee meeting on 23 January 2019, in Brussels. As from now on application section (experts and hosts) is functional! Looking forward to welcoming you!

As of 1 January 2019 the Exchange of Experts in Civil Protection Programme is starting a new cycle. New opportunities to access knowledge through learning experiences are available for experts from eligible countries. More info on section Participation/Eligible countries.